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    Classification and Compensation

    This area of the practice includes the development, installation, and modification... read more »

    Organizational Review and Audits

    This practice area includes the review, analysis and development of organizational structure... read more »
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    Human Resources Systems

    Typical assignments in this area result in the development or modification of the basic policy... read more »
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    Performance Appraisal

    This service area involves the development and installation of comprehensive performance... read more »
Nothing is possible without individuals; nothing is lasting without institutions.

Jean Monnet

Bryce Consulting, Inc. was formed in July 1995 to provide human resources consulting services to public, private, and non-profit clients. Bryce Consulting offers comprehensive and personalized approaches to our clients' needs. We design the project process to meet the individual needs and concerns of our clients and build long term relationships with our clients to create consistent and meaningful human resources systems and management.

We invite you to contact us to learn more about our services:

  • Classification Analysis
  • Compensation Analysis
  • Organizational Review and Analysis
  • Workforce Planning
  • Staffing Audits
  • On-Call Technical Services Assistance